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布偉傑 - 「一哥」

「一哥」 ‧ 布偉傑 (Brian Thomas Burrell),為美國猶他州鹽湖城人,於猶他大學畢業,期間主修中國文學及亞洲研究。於1995年來到香港時曾經於幼稚園教授英語,於1999年正式離開美國來香港工作。他能夠書寫中文,亦說普通話、粵語和柬埔寨語。



Brian has loved acting and entertaining ever since he was a child in Salt Lake City, Utah. Throughout his school years, that was the focus of his life. However, it took coming to Hong Kong in 1995 to see that childhood dream realized.


Having discovered his talent for languages ​​- he's fluent in Cambodian before coming to Hong Kong -  he immediately set about learning Cantonese. He still remembers seeing Greg Rivers on TVB and saying to himself, “If he can do it, so can I!"


Within 18 months he was conversational in Cantonese, but returned to the US to finish a University degree in Chinese Literature and Asian Studies at the University of Utah before returning to Hong Kong for good in 1999.


After starting to work part time as an extra, Brian eventually met Greg Rivers who helped him secure a part time actor role with TVB. At the end of 2006 he was chosen for a leading role in a new sitcom “Best Selling Secrets “, from which he gained the stage name of" Brother One “ and realized his childhood dream of becoming a full-time entertainer.

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